Welcome To The Natural News Network ™

🌱Where I Create Forests Where There Are No Trees🌱

☀️Humans Are Nomadic Trees That Have Free Will Of Choice ☀️

We HERE AT THE3nmee have Planted A over
3,252 TREES

That is more than 80k Tonnes  of  CO2 Offsetting

Follow Me via Social Media Platforms

 @the3nmee @momz000 @frp2024  @phuknstuff

Check Out Our Facebook Pages

The3nMEE is a Network for the Naturalist 

We foster meaningful connections with fellow Naturalists in the jungle and surrounding areas to promote the preservation of Earth's natural balance. With a robust community of over 10,000 active members, our organization forms a reliable network. Through genuine interactions and experiences with like-minded individuals, I advocate for Nature within the jungle and work directly in natural settings to bring you authentic news. I have also developed a global approach to spread our mission and provide funding to support others in their natural endeavors, aiming to achieve common goals together.

🌎 Take a Look At Whats Happening in Nature Around the World 🌏

Enroll Now

Calastitics / Resistance-Band

Professional Fitness Instructor

Open Consultations

(Prices will vary)


Monday Available

Tuesday Available

Wednesday Available

Thursday Available

 Friday  Available

  Saturday AVAILABLE

✔️CO2 Offsetting Certified


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Forrest restoration project

Featured Fundraiser

👇🏽(click Ad to LeArn More)👇🏽

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Help Thru Donational Gifting

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Now Offering

Qi Gong

Group/Personal Classes

Donation Based

(starting asking dontion at 15$)

Monday 11am EST

Tuesday 11am & 7pm EST

Wednesday 11am EST

Thursday 11am EST

Sunday 12pm EST for lectures & other offerings

✔️CO2 Offsetting Certified


If you have any Natural News that you wish to share and have promoted click SUBMIT

Join & BeFunded

Crowdfunding Using Earthchain Technology

Plant & Play w/TappyTree

👇🏼 Check out how you can work along side Nature👇🏼

This a playlist has Apps  that helps One stay Natural and earn income.

Join the FUN and SOW

I am looking for NATURAL Musicians to PROMOTE

If you are a NATURAL MUSICIAN contact me and let’s work together and get your sound out there. 
(rap, spoken word, instrumental, lyrical)

04 Trees Planted


Promotions with

Sowful Tunes

Looking to Make Mind Blowing Music Video(s) Contact Booda Kreations For

  • Professional Videos
  • Flexible hours and schedule that's ideal for promoting
  • Top of the line software for smooth transitions

Be apart of the 1st

Eco-Friendly DeFi Project known as Treedefi

Treedefi is one of the best project to date that uses the Blockchain in order to plant trees worldwide thru the use of the following tokens.

SEED is the main engine behind our yield farm, and features deflationary emission, which lowers by 2% each week.

TREE is our most scarce token, with a supply of only 16000. It is used for governance and special events.

The3nMEE | Sowful Tunes

tune in to our podcast on the

stereo app every Monday at 11:11 AM CST

#promotions #music #awareness

If you are a Natural Musical Artist looking for promotions then this is the place to be.

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If you collected a NFTREE from US


NFTS/NFTREES are taking the world by storm, there are so many things that we can do with them and there are so many ways we can benefit from them financially.

With my NFTs/NFTREES you can buy them now and use them for whatever exclusive use case that they have and hold on to them for later because you never know when their worth will be worth more than the money that you paid for them.

I tend to create NFTS/NFTREES that have multiple purposes  so that thy remain assets even after they are collected,

Click here is you are looking for FiNatural Aid, which give you natural help to your financial needs.  ---->

Check Out Whats Behind the Trees

Our organization advocates the restoration of all parts of the planet trees, both big and small. We believe that in order to bring back a more naturally balanced environment then Trees must be planted and protected. There’s just one thing missing: and that’s your help. Are you interested  in helping us restore what is sustaining us all? Are you looking to give back in forms of planting trees but don’t know how? 
 Contact us and become part of our Walking for Trees movement it won’t cost you a thing.

Meet Gaby Zacara

 She's on of our NEWEST partners here at The3nMee, she is a Raw Vegan, a Syncretist, Astrologist, Astro-Theologist and more...


You can support her and our mission of changing the world thru our products and services by visiting her Spotify channel via the link to the left, bc the more streams that we get, the more trees we can plant! 

“To plant a seed is to believe in the future, and what a beautiful world it will be." Gaby Zacara

Help her reach her goal of  100 Trees

🔊 Streams = Trees 🌳

25 Trees Planted out of 100 so far

The Plant of the Week

Perilla Mint

Common Name(s): Purple Mint, Beefsteak Mint

Phonetic Spelling {pəˈrɪl.ə m int }


Perilla reaches 20 to 30 inches in height at maturity with opposite leaves. The white to whitish-purple flowers and subsequent seed which occur in late summer are attached to terminal spikes. The plant also has a distinct, minty odor, especially as it becomes more mature. The weed prefers shaded areas along creeks, in fence rows, and the edges of the woods and partially shaded pastures. Once it becomes established, perilla produces many seeds and large colonies can develop in succeeding years.

Perilla mint, when used as a smudging bundle, can be employed in a ritualistic manner to help individuals gain a sense of control and influence over their environment and life. This practice draws from the traditions of herbal smudging and the belief in the power of intention. Here’s a description of how you can use perilla mint for this purpose:

“To harness the potent energy of perilla mint and assert dominion over your environment and life, begin by harvesting and drying the leaves and stems of this aromatic herb. Once dried, bundle them together into a smudging stick, ensuring a tight and secure arrangement. Find a quiet and sacred space where you can perform this ritual undisturbed. Light the perilla mint smudging bundle with a flame, allowing it to catch fire briefly before gently blowing it out, letting the embers smolder and release fragrant smoke. As the aromatic smoke fills the space around you, close your eyes and focus on your intention: to gain control and dominion over your surroundings and life’s path. Visualize your goals and desires as if they are already within your grasp. With each wave of the smudging bundle, imagine that you are purifying your space and aligning it with your aspirations. Slowly move throughout your environment, allowing the smoke to reach every corner, as you concentrate on your intentions. As you do so, recite affirmations or words of empowerment that resonate with your goals. When you have completed the smudging ritual, extinguish the smudging bundle safely. Keep it in a sacred place and revisit it whenever you need to reinforce your sense of dominion over your life.

Remember, the power of perilla mint smudging lies not only in the herb itself but in your focused intention and belief in its ability to bring about positive change. With dedication and mindfulness, this practice can aid you in asserting control over your environment and life’s journey.”

Learn about Plants
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🌱Visit Our Network's Forrests

Plant your intentions and watch it manifest here in the Natural


Help Us Keep the Natural News Network Running

Our Goal is to plant 100K TREE before the End of 2024

We finally found the land to build out The3nMEE Headquarters

We must raise 40,000$ in order to buy 2.5 hectares

We are at 1,1520$ /40,000$

👩🏽‍🌾 We Plant 1 Tree For every 1$ that is Gifted to US🌳

ALL earnings go towards the

Forrest Restoration Project

ALL funds received are distributed EVENLY throughout ALL FUNDRAISERS including the purchase of land.



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The3nMEE provides an opportunity to step back from the rat race and cherish the gift of life that nature provides. It also is an opportunity to educate our future generations on the importance of taking care of our vital earth resources.

Garland Taylor

Taylor Healthy Products


AVG. 5-10

Tree Planted 

Profit up to 250$ annually

Start Sowing Now


AVG. 25-50

Tree Planted 

Profit up to 1,250$ annually

Start Sowing Now


AVG. 1000-1500

Tree Planted

Profit up to 37,500$ annually

Start Sowing Now

Check Out Our NFTree Gifting Packets

We have a plan that may be perfect for your level of experience in planting. With these packages, you can choose the type of tree you want to plant and where you want to plant it. If you're interested in just planting trees without choosing the type or location, they are as little as $1 per tree.

Donation Prices 25$ 100$ 500$ 1,000$
Tree Planting ✔* ✔**
Stakable NFTREE Minted
30 min Consultation
Land Harvest Pass
5-days Land Stay
*up to 5 Trees/Plants *up to 20 Trees/Plants **up to 100 Trees/Plantss Plant 200 Trees/Plants on Property
Choose your plan

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